More images of paintings on wood. Most of these images are of a rather small scale, the 2 triptychs - I also have photos of each single paintings that made up the complete works.The tiny painting on the right side just below this wee bit of text, with a tiny guy and a flower of some sort against a blue background, it's maybe

10 cm tall. It is still hung on the wall in my parents' house.

The 3 images above and to the left of this paragraph have been painted on identically designed panels, hence they're grouped together. They're 285 mm tall.

Next, 1st triptych, the final way of composing it is shown by the 2nd image below this bit of text, on the left. I carved a rectangular-ish hole in a thick bit of plank and after pouring some glue in that hole I placed the 3 paintings into that hole, they were still protruding a bit. Again, maybe 10 cm tall for the paintings, with about 25-30 mm of wood all around them. The plank was maybe 40 - 50 cm thick?

And here we have the 2nd triptych, with the 3 constituent paintings and the final work at the bottom of the page. The frame for the first triptych was similar, but for some reason I don't recall having so much wood all around the paintings. Might be wrong, and maybe the other chunk of wood was just as tall and wide. They were definitely the same thickness. Same stuff again, carved a hole,
poured some glue in and placed the paintings nicely in. I think that the plank for the 1st triptych was painted a darker brown but can't recall exactly. For some reason I always found the 1st triptych somewhat better.
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