2000 - More images, some of which I am quite fond of...

 More paintings from the year 2000, at the beginning of a rather prolific period in my life, which lasted for about three years, and which allowed me the creation of some very good images ( very good for me at least).
First painting was done for school, probably in late 2000, the others have been painted before that, in my

 spare time. The "Killing Hand(s)" series, the two ears, one of mine, one of my wife's (to be), the two feet treading on soil that's been torn and sewn back like it was a curtain. The light is so hard you could slice it with a sharp knife and the ground is just a cover, there could be an entire world hidden under it, out of sight.

 The ear on the left is hers, the one on the right is mine and they're both ours now - the ears that is, the paintings belong to someone else.

 More killing hands. My mother always gave us nice shirts, and the pattern on this particular shirt made me think that a story could be told in an image where that cloth wouldn't be the main element of the painting, but it would serve as a background for the main elements.

Not much to say about the tiny flower, othe rthan that the paiting was about 20 cm high I think.
 The tree (on the right) was real, it was depicted in yet another painting, which I made  at a later time. Don't know what tree it was, I had it from a seed I'd put in a pot and ta daa, the wee tree had appeared, magic...
 And a metaphysical image of two cherries. Why cherry, why not a cherry? It can be whatever you want it to be, I call it a cherry, a yellow one, like the ones my step grandad used to have in his garden.
 The guy with glasses, the translation would be "The mice killer", that's my older brother, and there's a story behind that painting, and yes, a mouse has died because of something he's done without us knowing about it though.
 And this one  below is an image which should be included in that "motion" series, but it's from another year so it's here. A image I was pleased with, the photo doesn't do it justice, but this isn't relevant.

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