Here you can see a few portraits I've painted in the year 2000, I have painted loads of them over the years but I haven't taken photos of them all. I'll work on that sooner or later.

The second portrait (the distorted one) has been painted as an assignment for school. The one on the left here is about 2 meters by 1 meter 40 cm, painted in 7 hours during one night. All other portraits are 70 cm x 50 cm if I remember correctly.

I found the portrait an easy theme and a nice excuse for playing with paint. Maybe that's why I have painted so many of them. They have always provided me with a good sound starting point for an image allowing me to go slightly beyond the idea of "just a portrait" sometimes.
Again, as with most images presented on this blog, I don't have these images anymore. They have been sold, allowing to buy even more stuff to paint and even more booze. A sad outcome in a way, one might say that I pissed most of these images against a wall and one wouldn't be far from truth there.

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