extremely accurate. The other three relate to the idea of motion both by means of arrows, or vectors and by means of representing the blurry image formed by the impression of a moving object in the environment around it.

The two images above were an attempt to paint some sort of abstract images inspired by the light at night or sunrise for the second image, with the potential of raw unforgiving power of the sun at noon in a hot place.
This image on the left is just a funny one, a one off, another "inspired" moment, unfortunately not in my possession anymore. I hope that whoever has it still enjoys it. It always brings a smile on my face this one when I look at this image.

The two portraits on this page, which are just portraits and nothing else albeit there is an obvious difference in the approach of each one.
And finally the banana, another image which makes me smile whenever I look at this photo. I dun it.
Below we have "The stranger in the garden". There are the plants in the background, and the dude with strangely coloured hair seems to be dressed as for a night out in the cold, is or will his heart be warmed by the feeling of having made his way into garden?
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