So, one of the series of images that I have always happy with, pleased with myself that I came up with these representations of these characters. Almost all images were of a relatively large size, 140 x 100 cm being an average, a few paintings were 2 meters wide by 1.4 meters high or 2 meters high by 140 cm wide. There is one which I remember distinctly that it was smaller, another image that surprised me after having finished it because it provided me with chance to feel that "I had been inspired"m due simply to the way the image had been composed, with the portrait (head, shoulder and one hand on the forehead, like he was shielding his eyes from too strong a light) at the bottom of the image, with the background blank, solid light green colour.
This one here on the left was the first image in the series, and all other simply followed without any struggle on my side to think of them at all. It was not the first image of this type of character that I have painted, one of the first images of this type was one which I have painted on wood, with acrylic and which is still in my parents' house. This is also the approximate order in which I have painted these images. Almost all are 140 cm x 100 cm, exceptions being the tenth one, which was about 50 x 70, the eleventh one which was maybe 50 x 50, and the twelfth and the thirteenth which were 200 cm wide by 140 cm high.

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